Many years ago, now when a fax machine was the norm I received a fax from my father. My dad was a railroad conductor for 43 years. He started and ended his day at the depot in Greenwood, MS.
I had given my 2 month notice to the railroad as God was leading me to seminary in Memphis, TN. Dad knew how long I had listened to God about this decision, so he knew his son was walking away from a great career and beginning a new path known as God’s Call to Ministry.
Dad sent a fax to me of something he had copied from one of Chuck Swindoll’s books. I cherish this from my dad. I would have never dreamed that in God’s timing and His perfect guidance, I would conclude many sermons around the world with this. Dad would have never guessed what would happen as he listened to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and pressed send on that fax machine. I have used this in many states in America, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Puerto Rico, Russia, Cape Town, South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Israel, and Italy.