Ambassadors of Christ

by Brad Jolly

I love this passage in Scripture.  It tells us what the Gospel is all about.  If you have trusted Christ as your Savior, God has placed you “in Christ”.  By doing so, God has made you a totally new creation.  You and I are not “in Adam” any longer.  Sure, we were born in Adam, but God took us out of Adam when we came to Christ, and He has placed us in Christ.  Everything that was, is no longer.  It’s all new.  It’s not even just a new identity (which it certainly is), but you are altogether new and completely different.  Everything that you were in Adam is now gone: you were dead in your sins; you were destined for an eternity in hell; you were a hater of God in your heart; and in your very core of your being (your heart) you were wicked.  But in Christ, as a “new creation”, you are alive in Him; you will live with him in Heaven for all eternity; you have a love for God, His Word, and your brothers and sisters in Christ; and you have been given the very righteousness of Christ Himself.

But it does not end here.  We have been given a ministry of reconciliation:  God is making his appeal through us, as it says here.  He is reconciling the world to Himself as we share the Good News, that God made Christ “to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God”.

My friend, thank God for making you a new creation in Christ.  And ask the Lord to lead you to share with someone the Good News this week.  If you had never heard the Gospel yourself, you would never have come to know Christ.  God so wants to use you and me to share this message of grace and reconciliation with others who are still in Adam.  You are an ambassador of Christ!