abiding above ministries

Newsletter May 2010

It sure is nice to be back here in the good ole USA! I love to preach in other parts of the world but there is no place like home! Jesus clearly commanded us in Matthew 28:18-20, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go...

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Newsletter April 2010

I am in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia as I write this newsletter. If it were not for you, I would not be here. If it were not for you, I would not have seen hundreds pray to receive Christ and receive free Bible lessons that will encourage them in their spiritual...

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abiding above ministries

Newsletter March 2010

I was just thinking about the words I heard this evening in a song, “My sins held Him to the cross until it was accomplished.” We are so blessed to be children of God. It was such an expensive grace that purchased our salvation and snatched us from Satan’s kingdom!...

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abiding above ministries

Newsletter February 2010

In these days in which we are living many people are asking one another, what is happening to us as a nation and what is going on in our churches. My friend, in times like these we must continue to believe in God, and His permissive will, knowing that He...

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abiding above ministries

Newsletter January 2010

Praise God for this New Year to love Him with all of our hearts and minds. In ourselves we do not have the kind of love that the Lord commands. But God never commands us to do something without enabling us to do it. To love God with ones whole...

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abiding above ministries

Newsletter December 2009

Revival At Boulevard Baptist Church: I am so grateful for your prayers during our “Deeper Life Conference and Revival” at Boulevard Baptist Church in Southaven, MS. We saw 51 people make decisions for Jesus Christ, with many coming to the altar to surrender complete control to God’s Holy Spirit in...

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Newsletter November 2009

What a pure joy to preach again under a big tent! If you will remember, about 5 years ago when we started this ministry we had a Tent Crusade on the campus of the Tennessee Baptist Children’s Home. We saw men, women, boys, and girls pray to receive Christ, and...

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abiding above ministries

Newsletter October 2009

Revival In Little Rock, AR.  Please be in prayer for me! When you receive this newsletter I will be in the middle of an old fashion ‘Tent Revival’ being sponsored by four churches in North Little Rock, Arkansas. Please pray that many will be saved, and believers will be encouraged...

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abiding above ministries

Newsletter September 2009

I’m praying for you each day. I pray God continues to conform you to the image of His dear Son Jesus! Paul said in Romans 8:29 – “For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son ….” Do people see the beauty of...

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abiding above ministries

Newsletter August 2009

Mark your calendars! I have been invited to preach both services at Germantown Baptist Church on Sunday, August 2, at 9:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. I would love to see you, so please make arrangements to join me there. It is always a joy for me to preach in the...

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