Newsletter June 2019

When you receive this June newsletter I will still be in Kenya, Africa. Sharing the gospel with every person, encouraging spiritual growth in every believer, by the power of the Holy Spirit and to the glory of God. This trip is wonderfully different this time. For the first time after...

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Newsletter May 2019

Because of the faithfulness of God, your prayers and support, we were able to knock it out of the park for Jesus last month in Kenya, Africa! Here is our prayer for you. We pray that you will disappear into God, be submerged in His peace, and be lost in...

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Newsletter April 2019

Thank you for praying for us as we handed out 1,250 tracts at the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade in downtown Memphis, TN! The tract tells the story of Saint Patrick, and then gives a clear presentation of the gospel. We included a coupon for a free through the mail Bible...

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Newsletter March 2019

I recently brought the devotion for a Men’s Prayer Breakfast at Christ United Methodist Church in Memphis, TN. We were reminded and enjoyed together what God says in His Word about believers being eternally placed in Christ and sealed there by the Holy Spirit. We were encouraged by the work...

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Newsletter February 2019

Becoming a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ is to be a true disciple. This is done in agape love (God’s own love) and grace and not with a mindset and emotional makeup of legalism. Legalism is the gravest danger in the individual life, family life, local churches, and world-wide...

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Newsletter January 2019

Day after day, for two weeks, we preached where the crowds gathered in the local market areas. Jesus said in Luke 14:21&23 – “Go out at once into the streets and lanes of the city … Go out into the highways and along the hedges, and compel them to come...

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Newsletter December 2018

I pray this newsletter finds you enjoying the Christmas Season, the lights and decorations of the town you live in, the Christmas carols you are hearing as you carry on your daily routine, and the anticipation you feel being with your family and friends for Christmas gatherings. Christmas truly is...

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abiding above ministries

Newsletter November 2018

During Thanksgiving we see the winter slowly setting in as the leaves change colors making the foliage beautiful. During Thanksgiving we are reminded and thankful for the goodness of God. Psalm 100:5 – “For the Lord is good; His lovingkindness is everlasting and His faithfulness to all generations.” God’s goodness...

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Newsletter October 2018

I have just returned from a ministry trip that took me to Florida, Georgia and Alabama. The purpose of the trip was to meet with ministry partners for upcoming evangelistic events in Kenya, Cuba and Puerto Rico. Prayerfully, after each evangelistic event, we will distribute Bible lessons to them in...

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Newsletter September 2018

As people like you give and pray, God is moving. People are finding salvation in Christ and are presented with easy-to-read, discipleship oriented, Bible lessons to encourage spiritual growth. Years ago now, my longtime friend, Brad Jolly, and I wrote a tract together called “How Can I Get To Heaven?”...

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