abiding above ministries

Newsletter October 2017

When we first launched Abiding Above Ministries more than 10 years ago now, these were the basic purposes for our existence: 1. To share with the lost “Christ Died for You.” People first and foremost need a personal relationship with God, even if they never grow into a fully devoted...

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abiding above ministries

Newsletter September 2017

It is the great privilege for God’s children to be used by the Holy Spirit in lovingly leading a person into a relationship with Jesus Christ. Billy Graham has said, “The chief duty and privilege of the Christian is winning souls.” God breathed these infallible words in Proverbs 11:30, “The...

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abiding above ministries

Newsletter August 2017

God’s purpose for your life involves 3 personal goals. Here they are: 1. I Will Glorify God with My Life. Matthew 5:16 – “Let your light (God’s glory) so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” Like Robert Murray McCheyne used...

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abiding above ministries

Newsletter July 2017

Thank you for praying and supporting us here at Abiding Above Ministries. You are a continual blessing and we continually need you! We are grateful! We are always amazed at the power of the radio airwaves and the power of the Internet. Each day we faithfully send out the preaching...

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abiding above ministries

Newsletter June 2017

One day a man came up to me and said, “I hear you on the radio.” He began to tell me what I said and what it meant to him. He was having a very hard time at work and had made up his mind he was going to quit...

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abiding above ministries

Newsletter May 2017

Thank you for your prayers and financial support! You are special! Getting the gospel out as far and wide as possible is the mandate for God’s children. We can’t all go across the ocean but we can all share Christ in our immediate sphere of influence and help in getting...

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abiding above ministries

Newsletter April 2017

Thank you for your continued prayer and financial support of this ministry. It is our commitment to operate in a simple and efficient manner to share the gospel with those who are lost and encourage God’s children to fulfill His original purpose for creating them. Many people think they are...

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abiding above ministries

Newsletter March 2017

God uses you as you pray and support this ministry. We recently received an encouraging letter from someone who has been blessed by the mission work of Abiding Above Ministries. “Thank you so much for the most recent newsletter regarding the Great Commission. It is my desire for those around...

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abiding above ministries

Newsletter February 2017

Thank you for your continued support of this ministry as we get the gospel message of Jesus Christ out to many thousands of people through the radio, internet, and the printed page. Every means of communication must be used in fulfilling the Great Commission where Jesus said, “All authority has...

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abiding above ministries

Newsletter January 2017

I know you had a wonderful Christ-filled Christmas and New Year’s Day! Yes, our society is becoming increasingly secular, but that does not affect our power of choice to keep Christ in Christmas and make Him first in all that we do throughout each year. Let’s influence our society for...

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