Christ In Us For Others – Part 2

by Larry Browning Last week on our blog we began to look at how Christ living in us should lead us to love others and how that looks.  Let’s continue exploring that today. Christ In Us For Others – continued 2) Sharing Blessings (Galatians 6:6-10). Just as “one another” should...

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Christ In Us For Others – Part 1

by Larry Browning “Christ in us for others”—This should be every Christian’s motto. “One another” should be one of the key phrases in a believer’s vocabulary. “Love one another” is found at least a dozen times in the New Testament, along with “pray one for another,” “edify one another,” “prefer...

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Motivating Other Believers

by Brad Jolly Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works.  Hebrews 10:24 OK, all you parents and grandparents, when was the last time you intentionally set aside some time to think of ways to motivate your kids or grandkids to do...

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A Love That Gives

by Brad Jolly I love Christmas. I love looking for the best gifts to give to my wife and each of our kids. Usually, about a week before Thanksgiving, I will go to the Black Friday websites that have the ads for all the retailers and get some ideas there....

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Our God of Abundance

by Brad Jolly Abundance. In Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, the word abundance means to have an adequate amount; affluence or wealth; or a relative degree of plentifulness. When you think of God, do you think of Him as one who works or gives in abundance?  As one who is excessive or abounding...

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Jesus Is My…Peace

By Brad Jolly Peace…the word itself makes you long for all that it embodies.  Complete harmony with rest and trust and love – nothing that stands between two persons.  Yet, that’s not what we have today in our world, is it? After Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of...

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Do You Know Whose You Are?

by Brad Jolly Do you know whose you are? That’s kind of an odd-sounding question maybe. But the answer to that question has a tremendous impact to your life. That’s because our need to be included in a family or circle of friends is something so intrinsically at the core...

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by Brad Jolly I like to think about those people in my life who are close to me, and I like to remember special moments and words they have spoken to me. Do you do this too? Think back and remember the special words spoken to you by someone close....

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