Maybe We Pray More Than We Realize

Unceasing, incessant prayer is essential to the vitality of your relationship to the Lord and your ability to function in the world. But exactly what does it mean to pray without ceasing? The first time someone hears about the concept of praying without ceasing it may conjure up the image...

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foot attached to a ball and chain labeled guilt

God’s Solution to Guilt

It’s impossible to go through life without messing things up, isn’t it.  As sinners, we can make wrong decisions throughout our lives that can have major consequences, and the guilt that results can have a devastating impact on our lives. According to Lee Turner in his book, “Grace Discipleship Course“,...

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Reckon Ourselves Dead to Sin

Regardless of our feelings, we are to reckon on this great fact, —of our union with Christ in death and resurrection. “Reckon ye also yourselves to be dead unto sin, but alive unto God in Christ Jesus“ (Romans 6:11). Note that Paul does not say, reckon sin dead to you....

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Christ In Us For Others – Part 2

by Larry Browning Last week on our blog we began to look at how Christ living in us should lead us to love others and how that looks.  Let’s continue exploring that today. Christ In Us For Others – continued 2) Sharing Blessings (Galatians 6:6-10). Just as “one another” should...

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Christ In Us For Others – Part 1

by Larry Browning “Christ in us for others”—This should be every Christian’s motto. “One another” should be one of the key phrases in a believer’s vocabulary. “Love one another” is found at least a dozen times in the New Testament, along with “pray one for another,” “edify one another,” “prefer...

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Mercy – Part 2

by Larry Browning On last week’s blog, we began part 1 of this w-part series on Mercy.  Today, we are continuing to look at God’s mercy. This man, “Covered with leprosy,” comes and falls “with his face to the ground” before Jesus. It’s a gesture of reverence; perhaps it’s also...

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Mercy – Part 1

by Larry Browning Luke 5:12-15 – One day while Jesus was in one of the cities, a man covered with leprosy saw Jesus and fell on his face, begging him, “Lord, if you want to, you can make me clean.” So Jesus reached out his hand and touched him, saying,...

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Growing in the Grace of God – Part 2

by Larry Browning Note:  This is the second and final part of this series (if you have not read the first part, click here to read that now). Legalism desires to add religious performance to grace, thereby appealing to the self-righteous hopes of man. Galatians 3:2-3 says, ”Did you receive the Spirit by the works...

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The Greatest Exchange

by Brad Jolly As a kid, did you ever dream of becoming somebody else?  Maybe it was a sports figure, a musician, entertainer, or maybe the star quarterback of your high school football team.  I know that you might be laughing as you recall that memory, but truthfully, we have...

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