Jesus Is My…Justification

by Brad Jolly Justification. It’s such a big “theological” sounding word, isn’t it?  Maybe you’ve heard a preacher use it before.  But what does the word justification, or justified, actually mean? Justification is the act of God declaring a sinner to be righteous before Him.  In more simple terms, God...

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Jesus Is My…Peace

By Brad Jolly Peace…the word itself makes you long for all that it embodies.  Complete harmony with rest and trust and love – nothing that stands between two persons.  Yet, that’s not what we have today in our world, is it? After Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of...

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Jesus Is…My Redeemer

A blog post by Brad Jolly Jesus Is….My Redeemer With this week’s blog post, we are starting a series called, “Jesus Is”, in which we will explore many of the things we have been given by God because we are united to Christ as believers. When we came to a...

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