abiding above ministries

Newsletter July 2011

We read in God’s Holy Word that the ruler of this world is Satan. John 14:30 – Jesus said, “… the ruler of this world is coming …” Revelation 12:9 – “… that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world …” When you turn...

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abiding above ministries

Newsletter June 2011

Thank you so much for praying for me as I traveled to Georgia to preach an Evangelism Conference. Prior to the conference, we had a live radio interview, which encouraged radio listeners to attend. One couple drove up from Florida and was blessed by the teaching! The topics discussed were...

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abiding above ministries

Newsletter May 2011

Please pray for me this week. As you read this newsletter, I will be preaching an Evangelism Conference in Georgia. Pray that the people will be encouraged and clearly instructed in how to witness to others, and how to follow through in one-to-one discipleship. This has been one of our...

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abiding above ministries

Newsletter April 2011

I believe everyone is asking, “What in the world is going on?” The events that are presently unfolding in this world are striking to say the least. As children of God, we turn to His Holy Word to find real answers when we find ourselves looking anxiously about at the...

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abiding above ministries

Newsletter March 2011

My wife Kellie and I were recently walking slowly through an old church that was built in the 1850s. The careful attention to detail was evident everywhere you looked in the woodwork, furnishings, and right up to the beautiful stained glass windows. It reminded me of how God meticulously constructed...

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abiding above ministries

Newsletter February 2011

The glorious truth is that when we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour, God looks at us through the Lord Jesus Christ. He sees us in all the white holiness of His Son. This is the great New Testament doctrine of the imputation of our sin to...

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abiding above ministries

Newsletter January 2011

My friend, we want to make 2011 the best year possible. With your prayers and financial support we are making a difference in the lives of many. I want to share with you just some of the ways we are impacting the lives of others here and around the world…...

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abiding above ministries

Newsletter December 2010

“But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.” Galatians 4:4-5 Jesus came to pay a debt He did not owe,...

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abiding above ministries

Newsletter November 2010

We received this letter from one of our radio listeners: “What is absolute surrender to the control of the Holy Spirit? I feel like the Holy Spirit wants this of me, but I’m not entirely sure that I have anything God can use. I serve in my church as teacher,...

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abiding above ministries

Newsletter October 2010

In the past century, the human family has experienced the worst suffering ever. Millions were murdered during the holocaust. Over 100 million have been slaughtered in wars. Today, crime and violence are rampant, drug abuse is epidemic, and sexually transmitted diseases continue to spread. There are millions who die each...

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