abiding above ministries

Newsletter May 2009

I have just returned from preaching a revival in Rickman, TN! I wished you could have been there with me as we watched many people; moved by the Holy Spirit, respond during each invitation. Sometimes, we assume that the people who regularly attend church are born again, but we must...

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Newsletter April 2009

When I was a child we loved to run races. We would always start the race with, “Get on your marks, get set, go!” Our new radio broadcast, “Abiding Above with Chris Hodges,” is on the mark; we are set and ready to go. I guess you could say we...

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abiding above ministries

Newsletter March 2009

We are still in awe of what God did in Ethiopia! And, we are still receiving reports of lives changed as a result of our Crusade. To God be the glory great things He has done! Thank you, thank you, and thank you again for helping me reach the world...

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Newsletter February 2009

I am writing this newsletter to you from Ethiopia, Africa and there is an overwhelming sense of ‘well done’ among my crusade team members. I very much wish you could have been here with me, and looked out upon the vast crowds, as I preached to the multitudes. It just...

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abiding above ministries

Newsletter January 2009

I am praying for you. The holidays are now behind us and we all look forward to what God has in store for us in 2009. It is my sincere prayer that this will be our best year yet. Pray for me as we finish our planning for the Pastor’s...

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abiding above ministries

Newsletter December 2008

It is certainly my prayer that you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day. God teaches us in His Word to be thankful for everything. “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18...

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Newsletter November 2008

In times like these, many people are anxious because of the political and financial landscape of America. Jesus said, “Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat, or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not...

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Newsletter October 2008

Just a few newsletters back I wrote these words, “I believe we are living in the last days. You can expect more controversy in the religious world and the secular world. There will continue to be unrest worldwide. Do not be surprised. Jesus tells us in the gospels, ‘For nation...

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Newsletter September 2008

I have just returned from New Jersey, where I preached the evening sessions of a September 2008, conference held at America’s Keswick. This was a great opportunity to share what God has burned into my heart over the last 20 years concerning our identity with Christ in His death, burial,...

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abiding above ministries

Newsletter August 2008

It is my prayer this newsletter finds you doing well as you continue to walk along with Jesus Who is your Life! Every now and then someone will ask me, “Why Africa, Uruguay, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Russia, or Puerto Rico?” Meaning, why travel to so many places when we need...

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