Newsletter April 2008

Thank you for your prayers as I traveled to Virginia to lead the Pastor’s Conference with Dr. Johnny Hunt’s church. It was a total success and we are talking about more work in this region with pastors, and also, evangelism outreach, and discipleship. They are very interested in our Abiding...

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Newsletter March 2008

When you read this I will be on my way to Virginia to lead a Pastor’s Conference. This conference is in partnership with First Baptist Church of Woodstock Georgia where Dr. Johnny Hunt is the pastor. I will be preaching on “The Spirit-Filled Life” and also doing a break out...

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abiding above ministries

Newsletter February 2008

What a wonderful new year we are having! We are so grateful for your prayers and your financial support. This is your ministry and God is using us to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with every person, to encourage spiritual growth in every believer, by the power of the...

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Newsletter January 2008

I know you had a wonderful Christ-filled Christmas and New Year! Yes, our society is becoming increasingly secular but that does not affect our power of choice to keep Christ in Christmas and make Him first in all that we do through out each year. Let’s influence our society for...

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Newsletter December 2007

Praise the Lord for you! Because of your prayers and financial support look what has happened! We saw more than 10,000 people pray to receive Christ as I preached to crowds of up to 89,000! It was tremendous to see the way God used us as a team. My dear...

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abiding above ministries

Newsletter November 2007

I pray this newsletter finds you having a lovely day. I have just now prayed for you. Just in a few weeks we will begin to see, hear, and smell the holiday season. It’s the most wonderful time of the year as we give thanks to God the Father for...

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abiding above ministries

Newsletter October 2007

Revival In Germantown, MD: I am presently in the middle of revival services in Maryland only minutes from our nation’s capital. What a blessing to see 3 precious souls come forward at the first service and 15 in the second service. We had a special prayer service for the community...

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abiding above ministries

Newsletter September 2007

Revival in Kentucky: Your prayers were answered for the blessings of God upon the revival I led in Kentucky! We had showers of blessings as we watched 62 people make decisions for Jesus Christ! We are fulfilling God’s call on us to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with every...

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Newsletter August 2007

Abiding Above Discipleship School: Puerto Rico Update: In my last letter to you I shared about God opening the doors to us on the island of Puerto Rico. We have already shipped a large order of lessons to them and we are expecting great things from setting up our Abiding...

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Newsletter July 2007

Ministry in Tennessee: This has been a wonderful month and we do appreciate your prayers and support! I had the joy and privilege to preach a revival at the Hickory Valley Baptist Church in Tennessee. We saw decisions for Jesus Christ. Some were for salvation and some were for rededication....

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