Newsletter June 2023

Thank you for helping me! Jesus said in John 15:5 – “I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.” This is so true, my friend. Apart from the indwelling...

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Newsletter May 2023

In our last newsletter, we reported to you about our Saint Patrick’s Day Parade gospel tract distribution. I wrote the newsletter while we were traveling on a new evangelism trip in the Seattle and Portland areas. Here is our report for Seattle and Portland. John 3:16 – “For God so...

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Newsletter April 2023

As I write this newsletter, a team of us are traveling by van to areas around Portland, OR to share the good news of the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for the total and eternal forgiveness of our sins. We purposely, and strategically, go straight...

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Newsletter March 2023

We continue to thank the Lord for your prayers and support. Because of you, we are able to get God’s Word out through the radio in Memphis, TN and many other states in America. We have signed a new contract with Bott-Radio Network. We have now partnered with WCRV 640AM...

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Newsletter February 2023

Luke 1:37 – “For nothing will be impossible with God.” This is true, my friend, and we are so thankful that God’s provision includes your prayers and support. Thank you for listening to God! Read Full Story!

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Newsletter January 2023

Fourteen men traveled to the Orlando, FL area to distribute more than 47,500 gospel tracts (paper missionaries)!We know we look like a motley crew, but we arose at 6:30AM and did not get to bed until 10:30PM at the earliest. Here is part of our team at the airport where...

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Newsletter December 2022

Thank you for praying for us and for listening to the Holy Spirit as you give. You make it possible to get the gospel out to all the world.  It’s always a joy, and very productive, when brothers in Christ join together to reach people for Christ! I always enjoy...

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Newsletter November 2022

On our recent trip to Kenya, Africa I was able to go to several of the churches we have planted. God  laid it on my heart to give each church a love offering of $200. I could not make it to every church on Sunday, so my key leader, Daniel,...

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Newsletter October 2022

In 2013, I led a group on a tour of the Holy Land. It was a wonderful trip with couples who loved the Lord. Being there really transforms the reading of God’s Word forever. As you read, you see and feel Israel, God’s chosen people. Deuteronomy 7:6 – “For you...

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Newsletter September 2022

It always brings me great joy to travel down to the inner-city and preach to the homeless at Memphis Union Mission. Having read many Christian biographies over many years, I have always noticed that people must first come to the end of themselves before God Who loves them begins to...

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