Newsletter October 2020

Thank you, for praying for us as we completed our 10-day evangelistic thrust in the Northeastern states of America. We blitzed locations in Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Maryland, and Washington, D.C. God has put these evangelistic excursions on the heart of my friend, Steven Coplon, CEO of...

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Newsletter September 2020

Many years ago now, as I was walking through Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis, Tennessee, I noticed a table that had brochures on it. It was a display for a Christian radio station called Bott- Radio Network, WCRV 640 AM. Curious, I stopped and picked them up as I headed...

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Newsletter August 2020

In 1976, a man named Francis Schaeffer, wrote a book entitled, “How Should We Then Live?” Schaeffer defines humanism as “a value system rooted in the belief that man is his own measure, that man is autonomous, and totally independent.” He goes on to say, “when we base society on...

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Newsletter July 2020

Praise the Lord! In spite of twice postponing our evangelism trip because of the coronavirus, we finally made it to the northeast part of the United States with great success! We were able to distribute nearly 30,000 gospel tracts (paper missionaries)! We handed them directly into the hands of thousands...

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Newsletter June 2020

Many years ago, as God was continuing to make clear to me His call to ministry, I heard a sermon by Dawson Trotman, entitled “Born to Reproduce.” Yes, it was on a cassette tape. I was an engineer for the railroad. My dad, Curtis Hodges, was a conductor. The sermon...

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Newsletter May 2020

When I walk into my study the globe lights automatically and the picture seems to glow. The picture above the globe was given to me by Victoria Kuhl, who God used to help me discern His call for me to ministry. The globe is a gift from my wife and...

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Newsletter April 2020

We are so grateful for your continued prayer and giving support as you partner with us to … share the gospel of Jesus Christ with every person, encourage spiritual growth in every believer, by the power of the Holy Spirit and to the glory of God. Myself, my brother Randall,...

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Newsletter March 2020

What an amazing time of ministry in Montego Bay, Jamaica! It all started in the mind and heart of Allen West, a friend who has served our Lord by drilling water wells in the impoverished areas of this island far away in the Caribbean Sea. He prayed about the people...

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Newsletter February 2020

Because of you, we have sent another $1,500 to Kenya, Africa to build another church structure! This can accommodate at least 250 people! Remember, we only train and build local churches with this model: A multiplying, disciple making, and locally sustainable church! We have guided pastors and leaders to keep...

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Newsletter January 2020

If you will remember our past newsletters, I shared that God has put reaching the Mississippi Delta on my heart. This past December, we presented the Jesus Film for the second time in Crenshaw, MS. Once again, we utilized their fire department facility to gather many locals and church members...

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