The Source of Perfect Peace

by Chris Hodges The steadfast of mind you will keep in perfect peace, because he trusts in You.  Isaiah 26:3 NASB If you are not careful, when you think about perfect peace, you may think, “What must I do to be peaceful?”  This is the wrong way to think.  There...

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The Link to Faith

by Brad Jolly I was reading and dwelling on the following passage in Romans 10. “How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching...

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Our God of Abundance

by Brad Jolly Abundance. In Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, the word abundance means to have an adequate amount; affluence or wealth; or a relative degree of plentifulness. When you think of God, do you think of Him as one who works or gives in abundance?  As one who is excessive or abounding...

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Making Christ Real To You

by Brad jolly Jesus Christ dwells in every believer.  He lives in us by the Holy Spirit, who makes Christ real to us by reminding us that we belong to Christ.  The Holy Spirit also enables us to enjoy Christ’s presence in our lives moment-by-moment. The Bible tells us in...

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Jesus Is My…Justification

by Brad Jolly Justification. It’s such a big “theological” sounding word, isn’t it?  Maybe you’ve heard a preacher use it before.  But what does the word justification, or justified, actually mean? Justification is the act of God declaring a sinner to be righteous before Him.  In more simple terms, God...

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Jesus Is My…Peace

By Brad Jolly Peace…the word itself makes you long for all that it embodies.  Complete harmony with rest and trust and love – nothing that stands between two persons.  Yet, that’s not what we have today in our world, is it? After Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of...

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Praying For Others

by Brad Jolly Do you often struggle in knowing how to pray for others?  Sure, it’s easy to pray for others, especially loved ones like family and friends when they are going through difficult circumstances such as sickness, job loss, or financial trouble.  But how do you pray for them...

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The Blessings of Salvation

When you came to Christ and placed your trust in Him to save you, so many wonderful things happened instantly and for all eternity.  Look through this partial list and read through these verses over the week to see what God has done for you.  How great a love He...

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The Exchanged Life

by Lee C. Turner We were crucified with Christ, buried with him and resurrected with him. This can be called our co-crucifixion, co-burial and co-resurrection with Christ. The old man (unregenerate spirit) was crucified and replaced by the new man (regenerate spirit). A person only has one nature or spirit....

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