This is an encouraging message that will help you clear up doubting your salvation.
There comes a time in all of our lives when we simply need to step out in faith and do what we have only intended to do for many years. Walk intimately with God. These are the steps to a new start with God.
To walk by faith is exciting, but it can also be an uncomfortable experience. It is always a matter of trusting God completely. Romans 10:17 – “So faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” My friend, faith, is simply taking God at His word. Do not fear, put your face in […]
When a believer lives totally surrendered to God, he experiences the fullness of the Holy Spirit … a victorious and overcoming life!
It is not our faith in God’s faithfulness, it is simply God is faithful. No matter what you do and no matter what this world system may come to, we must remember, God is faithful to His own. It is His perfect nature to be perfectly faithful.
Every child of God has the Holy Spirit living in them. Be a person who listens to the Holy Spirit and obeys the Holy Spirit. Surrender to God and say “yes” to the things He is asking you to do, and you will be that person who keeps in step with the Spirit.
Christian history records the stories of men and women who have gone through hard times. As children of God, He sent us the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, because He knew this side of heaven we would all experience problems in a fallen world.
I believe we are living in desperate days. It seems like we are in a moral and financial free fall and everyone is wondering when we’re going to hit the bottom. My friend, God is in charge. God is sovereign and nothing can happen that will escape His notice. What God allows may not be […]
God’s plan is to conform you to the image of His Son. We are to love justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with our God.
Our failures in life can be a good thing. It is through our failures that we are able to realize just how dependent we are on God.