Do you feel alone in your concern for America? Do you sometimes feel that no one sees the influence of Satan in our communities and churches? This message you will identify with. You can know it is not that you are old fashioned, but this present world-system is given over to the evil one. What […]
A message on the state of our nation and how we are losing our Republic.
God’s Word is very clear in that we are not to forsake the gathering of the brethren together. This verse is sometimes used in performance Christianity teaching though it should not be. We are one in Christ and should have a supernatural desire to be with one another and to serve one another in love. […]
The number one emotional problem worldwide is the problem of loneliness. Do you feel lonely? You are not alone my friend! The answer is here.
My friend, could it be that when we sin as a child of God that we unknowingly desire and eventually demand to be worshipped. This can be traced back to Satan where sin originated as we remember we were born dead in trespasses and sin. Praise the Lord, we are born again!
In many ways you will find that what you say to others sets the direction for your life and future. Let God’s Word and the indwelling Holy Spirit so transform your mind that it affects your speech my friend. Graceful speech is not manipulative speech it is surrendered speech to the Holy Spirit.
Here’s wisdom my friend, like a child, simply trust your Father in heaven, the one who created you to begin with and the One who lives inside of you and the One who has your eternal home in heaven prepared for you.
The moment you choose lovingly in your heart to say, “no” to me, and “yes” to the indwelling Holy Spirit, the very reason you were born will begin to happen!
Many of God’s dear children are privately wondering if they will go to heaven when they die. This has been a long-time issue even before we were born. Listen closely.
When frustrations assail our lives the simplest thing to do, is to empty our mind and let the indwelling Holy Spirit have all there is of you. How? Abide in Him.