God’s plan is to conform you to the image of His Son. We are to love justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with our God.
Our failures in life can be a good thing. It is through our failures that we are able to realize just how dependent we are on God.
Did God really mean for us to give thanks in everything? How can we, when things turn out all wrong? This comes by believing that God will forever be in control and will turn all things to His purposes.
God knew you before the foundation of the world. He formed you inside of you mother’s womb and safely delivered you to live on earth. Why did God do this? What is His will for me?
Trying harder to be loving with troubled people misses the point. God’s agape love “in you” by the indwelling Holy Spirit is the only possible answer. Let go and let God have all there is of you.
To feel or to actually be rejected by someone is common to man. The ultimate answer to human rejection is abiding in the eternal acceptance you have in Christ. Our Father in heaven accepts us 100%, not because of what we do, but, because of what Jesus did on the cross “for us” and “as […]
To feel or to actually be rejected by someone is common to man. The ultimate answer to human rejection is abiding in the eternal acceptance you have in Christ. Our Father in heaven accepts us 100%, not because of what we do, but, because of what Jesus did on the cross “for us” and “as […]
To feel or to actually be rejected by someone is common to man. The ultimate answer to human rejection is abiding in the eternal acceptance you have in Christ. Our Father in heaven accepts us 100%, not because of what we do, but, because of what Jesus did on the cross “for us” and “as […]
Motivated by the Holy Spirit, immediately, God uses you right where you are in this world. Let go, let the Holy Spirit have all there is of you, right here, right now.
The call to ministry is mysterious. It’s the genuine work of the indwelling Holy Spirit. It is compelling. If you are feeling led by God to ministry and you are not sure what to do, get your Bible and listen to these two messages. If it’s God’s will for you, we’re praying God clears the […]