Christian history records the stories of men and women who have gone through hard times. As children of God, He sent us the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, because He knew this side of heaven we would all experience problems in a fallen world.
To feel or to actually be rejected by someone is common to man. The ultimate answer to human rejection is abiding in the eternal acceptance you have in Christ. Our Father in heaven accepts us 100%, not because of what we do, but, because of what Jesus did on the cross “for us” and “as […]
To feel or to actually be rejected by someone is common to man. The ultimate answer to human rejection is abiding in the eternal acceptance you have in Christ. Our Father in heaven accepts us 100%, not because of what we do, but, because of what Jesus did on the cross “for us” and “as […]
To feel or to actually be rejected by someone is common to man. The ultimate answer to human rejection is abiding in the eternal acceptance you have in Christ. Our Father in heaven accepts us 100%, not because of what we do, but, because of what Jesus did on the cross “for us” and “as […]
Depression sets in when we live our lives without listening and abiding in Christ. God will deliver you from depression as you turn your thoughts once more to Him and his perfect plan for your life.
You know you are God’s child. But, like all of God’s children, you have sinned since you received Christ. You grew up in a church environment of well meaning Christians, but, they were unknowingly, legalists. My friend, be encouraged! We love you, so listen.
This is an urgent message from Ephesians 2. 1. Who We Were 2. What God Did 3. Who We Are Now. A must listen in these days we are living!
As a child of God, do you ever have this thought and feeling, “I must know something I don’t know.” Here it is my friend. You know “Christ Died For Me” but do you know “Christ Died As Me?” I love you, so listen … 😊