Do you feel guilty? You will admit that you have sinned and cannot explain your way out. Thank God for the conviction! He lives inside of you. This message will help you by God’s Word and His Holy Spirit to find a clear conscience when you have sinned.
Beware of blaming everything wrong on Satan! Remember, only God is omnipresent (everywhere at once). You can know, we struggle with our flesh (self) far more than we struggle with Satan and his demons. Jesus tells us to, deny our Self-life, and to be so identified with His death on the cross that like the […]
Everyone has regrets in life. Can you imagine what Peter felt when he denied Jesus 3 times and the Bible says, “And Jesus looked at Peter.” All of us still sin and we all can make mistakes. Listen to this message and remember, God knew all about our sins and mistakes even before He created […]
Motivated by the Holy Spirit, immediately, God uses you right where you are in this world. Let go, let the Holy Spirit have all there is of you, right here, right now.
Under God’s complete sovereignty He gives man a will to make choices. We can wisely say yes to Him or unwisely say no. When we say yes to Him, He comforts us in our sorrows, renews our minds, and heals our emotions.
A closer look at God’s Word shows us that not only are our sins forgiven past, present, and future, but our guilt has also been dealt with at the cross of Jesus Christ. Listen and learn how to apply the cross to your guilty feelings.
Deep down inside do you feel God is calling you to do something special for Him? As you look around at your community and watch events unfold in the world around us, so you sense something is wrong? Do you feel alone in your concern for America, our churches, and our families? My friend, let’s […]