This message speaks of two rests. There is a rest from the burden of sin that comes with salvation and the rest from the burden of self that comes with surrender.
To be a blessing to others you must discover those qualities in others that bless you and then by the power of the Holy Spirit … do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Humility is often thought of as a physical feature or posture. It is that appearance of someone with a poor sense of self-worth. Genuine humility is the life of God by the Holy Spirit having unhindered control of the mind, will, and emotions.
Do you feel guilty? You will admit that you have sinned and cannot explain your way out. Thank God for the conviction! He lives inside of you. This message will help you by God’s Word and His Holy Spirit to find a clear conscience when you have sinned.
Beware of blaming everything wrong on Satan! Remember, only God is omnipresent (everywhere at once). You can know, we struggle with our flesh (self) far more than we struggle with Satan and his demons. Jesus tells us to, deny our Self-life, and to be so identified with His death on the cross that like the […]
Everyone has regrets in life. Can you imagine what Peter felt when he denied Jesus 3 times and the Bible says, “And Jesus looked at Peter.” All of us still sin and we all can make mistakes. Listen to this message and remember, God knew all about our sins and mistakes even before He created […]
My friend, there is a way to simply change habits. How? Knowing this, as a man “thinks” in his heart, so is he … Purpose to turn your thoughts to God’s Word and He begins to renew your mind by the indwelling Holy Spirit. It takes about 30 days to drop an old habit and […]
You might be thinking, bearing all things is simply impossible! And you are correct, except, if the bearing and loving is being done by Another. You say, “I can’t” God never said you could but always said He would. Agape!
When a believer lives totally surrendered to God, he experiences the fullness of the Holy Spirit … a victorious and overcoming life!
It is not our faith in God’s faithfulness, it is simply God is faithful. No matter what you do and no matter what this world system may come to, we must remember, God is faithful to His own. It is His perfect nature to be perfectly faithful.