It is not our faith in God’s faithfulness, it is simply God is faithful. No matter what you do and no matter what this world system may come to, we must remember, God is faithful to His own. It is His perfect nature to be perfectly faithful.
Every child of God has the Holy Spirit living in them. Be a person who listens to the Holy Spirit and obeys the Holy Spirit. Surrender to God and say “yes” to the things He is asking you to do, and you will be that person who keeps in step with the Spirit.
Trying harder to be loving with troubled people misses the point. God’s agape love “in you” by the indwelling Holy Spirit is the only possible answer. Let go and let God have all there is of you.
Motivated by the Holy Spirit, immediately, God uses you right where you are in this world. Let go, let the Holy Spirit have all there is of you, right here, right now.
Adam was made in God’s image and mankind is made in the image of Adam. God made us in such a way that He can live inside of us by His Holy Spirit. We too, have a mind, will, and emotions. We have a personality and we are able to love and be loved. Through […]
Under God’s complete sovereignty He gives man a will to make choices. We can wisely say yes to Him or unwisely say no. When we say yes to Him, He comforts us in our sorrows, renews our minds, and heals our emotions.
This message clearly explains who we were in Adam and who we are now in Christ. We are His poem, persons of notable excellency.
God designed us in such a way that apart from Him we will feel a sense of loneliness. Take heart my friend, this is God’s way of lovingly asking you, “Where are you?” Turn back to God and walk with Him intimately. He fills our loneliness with His indwelling Holy Spirit.
Choosing to walk by faith (trust) in God is the key to not being deceived by fear.
Depression sets in when we live our lives without listening and abiding in Christ. God will deliver you from depression as you turn your thoughts once more to Him and his perfect plan for your life.