Worrying is like rocking in a rocking chair, you don’t get anywhere. Listen, and your worries will begin to drift away.
Whether you are about to graduate high school, college, or making a lifelong decision about marriage or ministry, this message is for you. Listen carefully, take a walk, and take notes.
You know you are God’s child. But, like all of God’s children, you have sinned since you received Christ. You grew up in a church environment of well meaning Christians, but, they were unknowingly, legalists. My friend, be encouraged! We love you, so listen.
This is an urgent message from Ephesians 2. 1. Who We Were 2. What God Did 3. Who We Are Now. A must listen in these days we are living!
As a child of God, do you ever have this thought and feeling, “I must know something I don’t know.” Here it is my friend. You know “Christ Died For Me” but do you know “Christ Died As Me?” I love you, so listen … 😊