Growing in the Grace of God – Part 2

by Larry Browning Note:  This is the second and final part of this series (if you have not read the first part, click here to read that now). Legalism desires to add religious performance to grace, thereby appealing to the self-righteous hopes of man. Galatians 3:2-3 says, ”Did you receive the Spirit by the works...

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The Exchanged Life

by Lee C. Turner We were crucified with Christ, buried with him and resurrected with him. This can be called our co-crucifixion, co-burial and co-resurrection with Christ. The old man (unregenerate spirit) was crucified and replaced by the new man (regenerate spirit). A person only has one nature or spirit....

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Truth Sets Free

by Lee Turner and Lee LeFebre There were ten dogs on leashes. They were in bondage and couldn’t help themselves. Since their earliest puppy-hood, they had a cruel taskmaster that could make them do anything. They had some freedom; they could go left or right but were controlled by their...

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Jesus Is…My Redeemer

A blog post by Brad Jolly Jesus Is….My Redeemer With this week’s blog post, we are starting a series called, “Jesus Is”, in which we will explore many of the things we have been given by God because we are united to Christ as believers. When we came to a...

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EXCERPTS FROM “UNDERSTANDING GRACE AND HOW TO INTERPRET IT IN YOUR LIFE AND CHURCH” Lee Turner 2002 “Many pastors, [teachers, dad’s, and mom’s] desiring that their [members or son’s and daughter’s] live holy lives, mix law with grace. Mixing law with grace only produces guilt ridden, defeated Christians and robs...

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EXCERPTS FROM “UNDERSTANDING GRACE AND HOW TO INTERPRET IT IN YOUR LIFE AND CHURCH” Lee Turner 2002 “Many pastors, [teachers, dad’s, and mom’s] desiring that their [members or son’s and daughter’s] live holy lives, mix law with grace.  Mixing law with grace only produces guilt ridden, defeated Christians and robs...

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Spiritual addition is and always will be very important. Primarily, this is what we have strived for and have accomplished, great things in this model of ministry. We have seen and still see, spiritual addition in the local church through evangelism programs and larger city-wide crusade evangelism emphasis and special...

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