Jesus Is…My Redeemer

A blog post by Brad Jolly Jesus Is….My Redeemer With this week’s blog post, we are starting a series called, “Jesus Is”, in which we will explore many of the things we have been given by God because we are united to Christ as believers. When we came to a...

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The Lamp

Have you ever used an oil lamp before? While not so common in our modern electricity-centric world we live in today, lamps are still used for both their decorative as well as their functional aspects. So in its most basic design, an oil lamp has three major components: 1. The...

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Beyond Lazarus: A Greater Miracle

Calev stood there in silence, staring at the wall in his home. He breathed in slowly and exhaled even more slowly as he put his hands over his face. The lonely silence was suddenly interrupted as his friend, Eitan, burst through the door. “He’s alive! Lazarus is alive!” Eitan practically...

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There are many Christians, struggling to live the Christian life, who have never discovered where the strength to live that life is to be found. There are many earnest believers, young and old, who are continually being disappointed and cast down because they are finding their own resources so inadequate...

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Many years ago, now when a fax machine was the norm I received a fax from my father. My dad was a railroad conductor for 43 years. He started and ended his day at the depot in Greenwood, MS. I had given my 2 month notice to the railroad as...

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