The Blessings of Salvation

When you came to Christ and placed your trust in Him to save you, so many wonderful things happened instantly and for all eternity.  Look through this partial list and read through these verses over the week to see what God has done for you.  How great a love He...

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Do You Know Whose You Are?

by Brad Jolly Do you know whose you are? That’s kind of an odd-sounding question maybe. But the answer to that question has a tremendous impact to your life. That’s because our need to be included in a family or circle of friends is something so intrinsically at the core...

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The Gospel

by Brad Jolly I heard an author one day being interviewed.  He was talking about how the triune God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) is full of love and acceptance and looks past our sin because it was dealt with by Jesus. It sounded ok at first,  but the more...

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by Brad Jolly I like to think about those people in my life who are close to me, and I like to remember special moments and words they have spoken to me. Do you do this too? Think back and remember the special words spoken to you by someone close....

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Jesus Is…My Redeemer

A blog post by Brad Jolly Jesus Is….My Redeemer With this week’s blog post, we are starting a series called, “Jesus Is”, in which we will explore many of the things we have been given by God because we are united to Christ as believers. When we came to a...

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Beyond Lazarus: A Greater Miracle

Calev stood there in silence, staring at the wall in his home. He breathed in slowly and exhaled even more slowly as he put his hands over his face. The lonely silence was suddenly interrupted as his friend, Eitan, burst through the door. “He’s alive! Lazarus is alive!” Eitan practically...

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It is the great privilege for God’s children to be used by the Holy Spirit in lovingly leading a person into a relationship with Jesus Christ. Billy Graham has said, “The chief duty and privilege of the Christian is winning souls.”  God breathed these infallible words in Proverbs 11:30, The...

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A few years ago, I was preaching revival messages at Lyon Baptist Church in Mississippi. This is near my hometown of Clarksdale, Mississippi. The Music Director for the revival services was Rev. Ray Simpson who had been my youth choir director many years ago. One night he brought me a...

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